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As we’re nearing the end of our July 2022 Contest author interviews, we’re finishing up our Young Author contest winners with our youngest contestant, the incredible ten-year-old Vrisan Shah! We have been amazed by the talent we’ve seen being submitted to Fictionate.Me contests, and we’d love to see this trend continue.


When Vrisan began submitting to our contests, he already had two books published, a rare feat for one so young. We here at Fictionate.Me have been floored by his incredible imagination, his ambition, and his already growing portfolio. Well beyond his years, we have no doubt Vrisan has a promising and prosperous future as an author ahead of him. His passion for writing is truly inspiring.


If you missed the other articles in our Young Author series, you can check them out here:


Out of the Shadows: Interview with Shadonovic, Young Author Grand Prize Winner

Heart of Ashes: Interview with 2nd Place Young Author Grand Prize Winner Sabrina Li


Read on to learn about Vrisan, who won 1st Place in People’s Choice and 3rd Place in the Young Author division!


The World of Ather


Dean, the young Duke of Lamington, has lost everything. Ousted from his own kingdom and abandoned by his mother (who has been manipulated by the cruel Baron Wilminisk), Dean must look to otherworldly help to reclaim his kingdom and find his missing father. On his quest, he finds a hidden source of magic deep within him, deepening the mystery of his own existence. Will Dean be able to reclaim his kingdom and his magical legacy?


A blend of high fantasy and science fiction, this adventure is a delight to read with endless action and mystery. 

closeup photo of castle with mist



An avid reader, ten-year-old Vrisan has traversed the globe covering three continents while studying in four different schools in the last five years. Vrisan excels at mathematics, science, and the English and Spanish languages. He takes pride in helping others and is an active contributor to team projects. He loves swimming and his favorite pastimes are playing Minecraft and watching action movies. Vrisan is a devout reader and is inspired by authors like Rick Riordan, James Patterson, John Grisham, and JK Rowling. Blessed with a fertile imagination, weaving stories comes naturally to Vrisan and his cross-cultural exposure complements this trait beautifully. 



Author Interview


You are only ten years old, and already a published author! How many books or stories do you have published to date? Did you publish them yourself or were they published by another publisher? 


I have two published books, two published stories, and two books in the works. I published my first book through Gurucool Publishing, a publisher based in India. My second book was published because I won a youth writing contest. [One of my stories] was published by Animal-o-logy, and the other one will be published in the new Fictionate.Me anthology.

gray stainless steel armor

You won 1st Place in the People’s Choice category with a whopping eighty votes! How did it feel to win by such a landslide?


I felt amazed because I didn't know so many people would like my story. I was shocked and dumbfounded after that!


For such a young author, you already have a terrific grasp on writing epic fantasy. What draws you to this genre? What are some of your other favorite genres to write?


Epic fantasy has my favorite elements to write about, [like] magic and just a wacky world that I am the master of. I love the twists, turns, myths, and possibilities fantasy holds, and the limitless ideas that belong in the diverse world of fantasy. My other favorite genres are sci-fi (I love tech) and realistic fiction (the Earth in my grasp).


Your winning story, “The World of Ather” is a perfect blend of medieval high fantasy and science fiction. What was the inspiration (besides the photo prompt) for your story? 


I had been reading Ranger’s Apprentice by John Flanagan the day before, and I always wanted to write a story based on the medieval time period. I am fascinated by the battles of kings and queens, and the weapons that they possessed.

person wearing red and white coat

Who are your favorite authors to read and why, and how have they influenced you? 


J.K Rowling: Harry Potter (Magic)

James Patterson: I Funny (Comedy) and Treasure Hunters (Mystery)

John Flanagan: Ranger’s Apprentice (Medieval Warfare)

Stuart Gibbs (Mystery, Comedy, and Adventure)

My favorite: Rick Riordan (Mythology)


Reading any book [has] influenced and motivated me to continue writing and creating stories. Every single thing I read or watch has an influence on my writing.


Was it hard to get published at such a young age? What has your publishing journey been like thus far? Are there any obstacles you’ve run into due to being so young?


My writing and publishing process was quite smooth; people were eager to publish a story written by a nine-year-old.


Besides school, and winning writing contests, you also have a novel in the works. How do you balance your rigorous school schedule with your creative pursuits? 


I decided to dedicate a greater portion of my time to studies, but I’m always thinking of new writing ideas when I’m in school or studying. 

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What is your advice to other young authors who want to start writing and get their work published? 


Writing, in a way, is simply expressing your thoughts, ideas, and dreams in a creative way. You just need to think, get your creative gears moving, and then just let those ideas flow out of you. Read as much as you possibly can, because, without reading, you can’t write! Writing enables you to conjure a universe and be the master of reality there. You could have whatever you desire if you write! Publishing is easy, all you need to do is find a publisher and just go along with the process.


Just for fun! List your favorite books, movies, and shows (and video games if you play them).


Books: Percy Jackson Series by Rick Riordan; Heroes of Olympus by Rick Riordan; Harry Potter Series by J.K. Rowling; As Brave as You by Jason Reynolds; Daughter of the Deep by Rick Riordan; Spy School Series by Stuart Gibbs; Restart by Gordan Korman; Theodore Boone by John Grisham; Treasure Hunters by James Patterson.


Movies: Wonder, Ender’s Game, Rio, Marvel movies


TV Shows: Bunk’D, Thunderbirds, Androids


Video Games: Minecraft and Roblox


Thanks so much to Vrisan for taking time out of his busy school and extracurricular schedule to interview with us! 


To read more of Vrisan's work, click here and here!


Head to our socials and our Fictionate.Me blog to learn more about the rest of our July 2022 Contest anthology contributors and their stories, and check back often to stay updated on all the new authors on our platform! 





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